Recent content by Garryscowgirl

  1. Garryscowgirl

    help! what is this?

    thank you we thought it might be a rooster but wasnt sure.
  2. Garryscowgirl

    help! what is this?

    Can someone please tell me what kind of chicken this is? and is it a hen or rooster? it showed up at our house and we have no idea. thank you in advance Thank you to everyone that answered we really had no idea. You all were alot of help. We appreciate it. We live out in the middle of...
  3. Garryscowgirl

    guinea fowl help please

    I just got two new guineas and was told they were hens but we are not for sure. do you think they are hens or cocks? and their approximate age? and when they would start laying? This is Alice and this is Michonne.
  4. Garryscowgirl

    Guinea Help?

    i just got 2 guinea hens this morning to go in with my chickens and know nothing about them other then they are loud. (i guess they are hens the lady that sold them to use said they were) How big to guineas get? what age do they start laying? How many eggs do they lay a day? how...
  5. Garryscowgirl

    whos laying?

    I got a egg today and it is a medium sized brown egg with dark brown speckles all over it. What chicken would be laying it? I have 3 laying one is the rhode island red, the white leghorn but who else? I have 3 Rhode Island Reds (one laying for sure) 3 Barred Rock 1 Leghorn (laying) (i know its...
  6. Garryscowgirl

    Hen stopped laying?

    My Leghorn hen has stopped laying. She laid 24 eggs in 24 days and the last few she laid she did not want to let me have. she would sit on them all day and i had to lift her off of them to get them out from under her and when i did she was VERY protective of them and would peck/bite me. Now she...
  7. Garryscowgirl

    sex of my young chickens?

    could someone please help me identify the sexes of these chickens? hen or rooster? 4 month old barred rock was told she was a hen when we bought her. not so sure now. 4 month old rhode island reds. Roosters? hen? barred rock leghorn hen. need to know about how old she may...
  8. Garryscowgirl

    White Leghorn lays beige/pink eggs?

    My white leghorns eggs look exactly like yours does. Same beige color and im sure its hers.
  9. Garryscowgirl

    age of leghorn hens

    The ppl we bought them from said they were a little over a year and were laying. We have 2 leghorns, 4 barred rocks ( 1 laying age and others 4 months), and 6 rhode island reds (4 months old). One is laying eggs we assume it is the barred rock hen because the egg is not white.but.its not brown...
  10. Garryscowgirl

    age of leghorn hens

    Thank you. Do you have any idea why they wouldnt be laying?
  11. Garryscowgirl

    age of leghorn hens

    Can anyone tell me how old my leghorn hens are? I bought them a month ago and was told they were.a year old but we think they may be much older. I cant figure out how to add a pic to a post but lool at my avatar it shows one of them.
  12. Default


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