Recent content by geronimo

  1. geronimo

    Chickens roosting all day?!

    Hi Krista, just a quick update to let you know that I made a ladder for the girls and lo behold! they were both out in the run when I went outside this morning. I guess that they are just growing a little bit too big for comfortable hopping between the perches. They are a bit ungainly...
  2. geronimo

    Chickens roosting all day?!

    Thanks for your reply Krista. You might be on to something. I do have a series of perches at different heights which they use to get to the top perch. Maybe they aren't so keen on coming back down the other way?... I will give your suggestion a try and see if they prefer a little ladder to climb...
  3. geronimo

    Chickens roosting all day?!

    Hi, I am a chicken keeping newbie. I have 6 hens - 2 Araucanas, 2 Welsummers and 2 Plymouth Rocks. They are all fairly young (under 9 months) and I just got my first (araucana) egg yesterday. Over the last week or so the Plymouth Rocks have decided to stay on their perch all day. They won't even...
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