Recent content by glittergurrl

  1. glittergurrl

    Anyone need gender help for BOs, BRs, Doms, D'uccles, BLRWs, or EE's?

    I would absolute love if you could show the barred rock progression.
  2. glittergurrl

    Sexing Barred Rocks

    I've been having trouble sexing my Barred Rocks that I got five weeks ago also, but seeing as they are both getting red in their wattles and combs, I believe them to be roos. We have six pullets. Do you think it's going to be any problem having two roos? It's not a town issue (we live in the...
  3. glittergurrl

    My chicks have bare stomachs/chests?

    No bugs and I haven't seen any picking (and I'll be the first to admit that I perhaps spend a bit too much time watching my newest babies). This makes me feel very, very relieved. I thought that might be the case but you can never be too sure! Thank you very much!
  4. glittergurrl

    My chicks have bare stomachs/chests?

    Sadly, I do not have a working camera right now but none of them seem lethargic or anything. They're all as chipper as ever. The only thing seems to be the feathers. They're not completely bare but on some it seems pretty close.
  5. glittergurrl

    My chicks have bare stomachs/chests?

    I'm a first owner of eight baby chicks. 6 red pullets and two Barred Rock straight runs. They are about three/four weeks old and from what I can see most of them are bare right on what seems like a chest bone. They have most of their feathers everywhere else, I don't know if this is normal or...
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