
Growing up, time and again I would hear about the millions of people exterminated in the Holocaust. Studying the Cultural Revolution in China, I learned that if it happened once, then it can happen twice. Therefore, I decided to prepare for the next holocaust. So I learned to farm.

My farm was plagued with snails. I discovered that ducks love snails. I bought a duck at the farmers market who cleaned up all the snails, earwigs, pill bugs, tomato bugs, potato bugs and weed seeds, but didn't eat my vegetables. Then the duck transformed all those nasty bugs into golden eggs.

And there was an added bonus. The soiled straw from mucking out the cages became rich compost.

I currently have 13 ducks and 3 drakes; too many for my little urban farm. 10 ducks:2 drakes is my preferred flock size. I normally sell the extra drakes with 2 ducks each to people who want to start a new flock. But right now, I can't decide which drake to get rid of.

I am breeding ducks to lay jumbo eggs. Many duck eggs are the same size as hen eggs. Pekins, which lay huge eggs, have a lot of foot issues. So I am trying to breed ducks the size of Pekins that don't have bad feet but lay huge eggs. The patriarch of my flock is a Swedish Blue.
Northern California
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Advice for treating wounds, especially bumblefoot.
RN, Egg farmer, healer, peacemaker


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    WOW 5 years!?!? SUPER CONGRATS!
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    4 years older and wiser too? Congrats on 4 years with us!
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