Recent content by Goose-Willis

  1. Goose-Willis

    Question about Call Duck Plumage

    That’s what I was hoping! The owner just had some other males who looked a little more put together! Lol
  2. Goose-Willis

    Question about Call Duck Plumage

    :”Male” in center.
  3. Goose-Willis

    Question about Call Duck Plumage

    Hey all! I recently purchased a trio of Grey Pied Calls. The females are what I expected but the male is a little ... interesting. It has a predominately female pattern but has a drake feather and makes all the right noises. It does have a patch of more masculine feathering on its chest and is...
  4. Goose-Willis

    Feed Consumption in Goslings.

    Update! Switched to a flock raiser mix that has a higher protein percentage and have started adding a niacin supplement into their water instead of using brewers yeast. Not sure if it they didn’t like the previous feed or if the bitterness from the brewers yeast was putting them off but now...
  5. Goose-Willis

    Mixed Breed Goslings Parentage:

    Hey all! I am trying to deduce the parentage of my mixed breed goslings. I know there are several quality threads on color genetics on geese but I’ve found it difficult to isolate the information that directly pertains to my situation. The individual I purchased my goslings from had a...
  6. Goose-Willis

    Feed Consumption in Goslings.

    They have free access to a non-medicated ration that is about half starter and half grower. I top dress with brewers yeast. They just don’t seem to be interested in it.
  7. Goose-Willis

    Feed Consumption in Goslings.

    Hey all, I have recently acquired 4 goslings (mixed breed) that range from about 3.5 weeks down to about 1.5 weeks. They are on fresh grass as soon as the sun comes up (weather permitting) and are moved at least twice a day. As this is my first time raising geese, I’m having new parent jitters...
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