Recent content by gunsthatfail

  1. gunsthatfail

    Why would hen suddenly stopped laying in the nest boxes?

    I'm in a similar situation. 6 wyandottes and 3 easter eggers. After 5 months of everyone laying in the box my alpha, (an ee), has been dropping them anywhere else. At first I found I found one on the floor of the coop and I thought that she just got up early to do some business and it was too...
  2. gunsthatfail

    how well do barnevelders fly

    Hi all, I've never owned chickens but I'm considering it. I like barnevelders, wyandottes and considering a two way mixed flock. I have around 1700 square feet of yard/garden and I really don't have any idea if I should make a covered run or an uncovered run, or if I should just give the birds...
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