Recent content by HENNYANDPENNY123

  1. H

    Run away chicken

    @BantammChick I do have a coup! I just let them be free range during the day! I was mostly worried about her because she had a cold before we lost her! I found her she had a dry mouth and so I put her in the coup!
  2. H

    Run away chicken

    Of course, I have a coup! I put them in it every night! she wasn't missing over night!
  3. H

    Run away chicken

    Hey! I have 2 chickens and named Henny and Penny. This morning I saw Penny walking alone outside. Usually, Henny and Penny are inseparable so I got so worried. I couldn't find her anywhere! They are only 6 months old so I got SO WORRIED! But she came back but she was panting and it sounds weird...
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