Recent content by HennyPennyRose

  1. HennyPennyRose

    Help sex my ambiguous Cream Legbar day-old

    Thank you for your reply...very grateful! :) I presume I will not be able to tell whether the young chick is male or female until much older. I'm not looking to breed from the chicks, my aim was to simply allow my lovely speckled hen to finally have some chicks, because she has been going on...
  2. HennyPennyRose

    Help sex my ambiguous Cream Legbar day-old

    Hi, I purchased some cream Legbar eggs for my broody hen and 5 successfully hatched on Friday. I believe I have 3 females (striped) and one male (cream spot on head), however I also have a yellow chick which I have no idea is male or female. There is a line on the chicks head and faint striping...
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