Recent content by Hillbilly Farm

  1. Hillbilly Farm

    Mystery Breed

    Okay, I always understood EE as being a cross between Araucana/Ameraucana and any other breed. From what you said this is wrong?
  2. Hillbilly Farm

    Mystery Breed

    That's the reason I don't like mixed breeds. In the fall I do run all my breeders into a pasture to produce meat birds merely because I like the results of hybridizing for meat production. However 100% of the offspring go into the freezer. How the hatcheries bastardize Araucanas/Ameraucanas just...
  3. Hillbilly Farm

    When Your To Old To Learn, YOUR DEAD

    When Your To Old To Learn, YOUR DEAD
  4. Hillbilly Farm

    Mystery Breed

    Any guess as to his breeding? I know this is a huge shot in the dark, but I really love the looks of this Roo, but not a big fan of (mixed breed) Easter Eggers
  5. Hillbilly Farm

    Mystery Breed

    I got this Rooster with a batch of CornishXRock chicks from Mcmurray. Any idea what he is? He is just started crowing about a month ago. He is a beautiful fella but cant find anything that looks like him. Pea Come, Dark Legs, and in the picture through the chicken wire you can see the green...
  6. Hillbilly Farm

    Unknown Bantam

    Thank you. I am not familiar with any of the Bantam birds and had no idea what I had. I raise several breeds of standard chickens but mainly turkeys. These little guys are the friendliest birds I have ever seen. If I squat down to fill their feeder all 12 of them will jump right on me. Neatest...
  7. Hillbilly Farm

    Unknown Bantam

    I bought a group of turkeys from a breeder that was getting out of poultry. The deal was 23 Turkeys, but I had to take 12 Bantams with them. They all look alike, but I have no idea what breed they are? Any help would be appreciated GREATLY!!! They are about 5 weeks old.
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