Recent content by hilltopfarm7777

  1. hilltopfarm7777

    New pet turkey - is he too fat? He is not too steady on his feet...

    I would like to say thank you to all who wrote me such thoughtful replies to my questions last week about my fat, Broad Breasted White turkey. Unfortunately, last Saturday morning I opened the pen to find that the poor big guy had passed away sometime on Friday night. I think the stress of...
  2. hilltopfarm7777

    New pet turkey - is he too fat? He is not too steady on his feet...

    Wow, thank you all for writing! I had no idea that I had replies - I was under the impression that I would receive email notification when and if I had gotten a reply, but apparently this is not the case. Good that I thought to just open the forum because quite a few of you took the time and...
  3. hilltopfarm7777

    New pet turkey - is he too fat? He is not too steady on his feet...

    Hi All, I am new to this forum but have a small flock of chickens, a pair of peafowl, and now one broad breasted white turkey tom. I say "now" because several days ago I inherited this tom from a neighbor who got it free with a flock of chickens he bought, but gave it to me because he had no...
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