Recent content by HindeQuarters

  1. H

    Looking for Brahmas

    Really love my brahmas, and I would love to have a variety of brahmas. Where are some good places for me to look into for ordering or purchasing some big beautiful brahmas to add to my flock?
  2. H

    Brahmas Coloring Question for yall

    Not my hen, just got pictures of three parents from who I purchased the chicks from. Thank you so much for clarifying this for me 🙂 She has the "mossiness" from head to toe now, and I think it's absolutely gorgeous. Definitely makes her stand out that's for sure.
  3. H

    Brahmas Coloring Question for yall

    Ok y'all, I've been driving myself crazy 😂 I got 6 buff brahmas chicks, and one of them looks so much different than the others. And I don't mean in a roo vs pullet kinda way. I'm just curious if anyone can help me understand a little bit more, since the more I Google about brahmas the more...
  4. H

    Difference between Black Austrolorp and Black Sexlink?

    The trick with Jersey Giants vs Australorp is. Jersey's have yellow on the bottom of their feet, where Australorp have pink on the bottom. 😉
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