Recent content by hoggja

  1. hoggja


    I am a little confused. This will be my first winter with my chickens. If I have a manual coop door that leads into their safe run, do I leave this door open during the day in the winter? Will it be too drafty? Should I close it up so they stay warmer but trapped inside? I am in Ontario and it...
  2. hoggja

    Lavendar Cuckoo Cockerel

    Where are you located?
  3. hoggja

    Lavendar Cuckoo Cockerel

    Free cockerel for meat or pet. Lavendar cuckoo. Dundas ontario. Will deliver locally. Please contact if interested.
  4. hoggja

    Lavendar Orpington

    Is a lavendar cuckoo a cross of a lavendar orpington and a cuckoo maran?
  5. hoggja

    Lavendar Orpington

    Was sold to me as a lavendar orpington pullet. Not very happy right now. Do roosters usually attack new flick members or just hens?
  6. hoggja

    Lavendar Orpington

    My chick is 18 weeks old now. Still no crowing or egg laying and I am still unsure of the sex. Definitely leaning towards cockerel but do cockerels attack new members of the flock? I thought only females did that to establish pecking order.
  7. hoggja

    Brooder Bulb Color for Ducks

    I found this website with research done on light bulb colors for ducks and chickens. The result for best overall color was white with some benefits of red, but blue was detrimental to ducks but not chickens. Website is...
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