Recent content by HStevens

  1. H

    Introducing peafowl chicks: Question

    Hello, all! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! I have two - four month old peachicks that I am trying to introduce to the rest of the flock. They will be green spaulding x india blue pied (whatever that is, hah!). My pen is 25x20x16(tall) . I am able to divide this pen with panels -- I...
  2. H

    Incubating peachicks

    It’s doing okay. It can lift its head and move around. It’s not standing quite yet though. It’ll lean back on its legs. I helped it get a drink. I read for weak chicks to feed them scrambled eggs and/or sugar water. What are your thoughts?
  3. H

    Incubating peachicks

    Oh my goodness. So happy to hear. 🤣 I was STRESSED
  4. H

    Incubating peachicks

    Thank you! Very informative and helpful
  5. H

    Incubating peachicks

    Thank you all so much for the replies! I decided to assist and I’m glad I did. I actually think that it got shrink wrapped. The membrane wasn’t very moist around the parts the chick had already zipped. Now that the chick has been drying for a couple of hours I noticed there are spots on the...
  6. H

    Incubating peachicks

    Hello! I’m incubating chicks. One has already hatched and it only took about 4 hours from when I noticed the pipe. The second egg piped and we’re now going on 36 hours since then. It’s opened enough that I can see it’s breathing. Doesn’t seem to be sticky. Every once in awhile it chirps. I don’t...
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