Recent content by iamjourney

  1. I

    Rooster or hen

    OK, thank you so much for your help.
  2. I

    Rooster or hen

    OK I took some better pictures from different angles. These are the two I am questioning the most. I cannot make a mistake with the one with the crooked foot the little red one because I’m going to take him to a home that only has PetRoosters because of his crooked foot. The gray one I keep...
  3. I

    Rooster or hen

    So the little Rhode Island red one is a rooster also? I was concerned about that it has a crooked foot and I saved it. Was hoping it was a hen… If the gray one is a hand, that explains why the one I know is a rooster always sits beside her. Thank you so much for your help.
  4. I

    Rooster or hen

  5. I

    Rooster or hen

    I know the black one is a rooster because I saw him crow… but the gray one confuses me( I hatched someone else’s egg). I need to throne but want to be sure I don’t regime hens. Please help!they are 3 months old. There are 5 total.
  6. I

    Chick won’t STOP CHIRPING!!

    I had one that did that. That chick never shut up until I gave her a stuffed duck. The chick kept trying to get under the other chicks so I figured the chick needed a surrogate mom. Chick got quiet. It’s now 4 weeks old. We named it the stuffed duck is still in the coop with them .
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