Recent content by ImBabyHuey

  1. ImBabyHuey

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 12/18/2017 - Pic by FishMtFarm

    Trying to keep warm in winter ain't all it's cracked up to be
  2. ImBabyHuey

    Cattle panels?

    Chicken runs/coops would firstly need to be predator safe. I would use hardware cloth attached to a framework of your choosing. Check out hoop coops in Coops section for great ideas And answers to many of your questions.
  3. ImBabyHuey

    What's wrong with my chicken Henrietta?!

    Hi, I am a Long time lurker getting a great education here. I would say to get rid of the bread and parrot seed as treats, give some meal worms, cooked egg and fruit or vegs in small amounts. Chicks cant handle bread and bird seed. Maybe some electrolytes or even a tablespoon of Apple cider...
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