Recent content by Imhaas2

  1. Imhaas2

    Problem: Yolks Break Easily or are Broken Inside Egg

    I just started getting some of my eggs with yolks that are thin and breaking. The hens are less than 2 years of age. The only change in their diet was that I switched from regular crumbles to organic pellets with no other changes. They have easy access to oyster shells and same amount of...
  2. Imhaas2

    Fodder for the girls

    I love your info on the fodder system you are creating. I too, have 24 chickens to feed and have been too "chicken" to try it. I did buy some barley, but Im not sure what I did wrong or if I bought the wrong kind, because it never would sprout. I soak it for 3 days now and then feed it to the...
  3. Imhaas2

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you for the information. I have food for them every morning before they are let out to free range all day, so I guess I won't worry about their size, it's just that they still look like baby chicks.
  4. Imhaas2

    Silkie thread!

    I am fairly new to raising chickens. I bought 5 different breed of chicks and then about two months later decided that I really wanted to add some silkies to the group. I kept them separate and then gradually added them with the older chickens. What I am noticing is that my first 5 chickens...
  5. Imhaas2

    Chicks not eating their starter feed

    I called it grits, but it is actually scratch. I have stopped giving them the grits. I did throw them some sunflower seeds to keep them busy for a little while. I will now keep an eye out to make sure their feed is going down. I feel much better now, hearing that they won't starve themselves...
  6. Imhaas2

    So excited to be a part of this!

    Yep, this newbie edited my first post because I thought I needed to ask questions in different forum. Boy, you definitely can tell I am a Newbie.....sorry everyone/
  7. Imhaas2

    Chicks not eating their starter feed

    I will stop the treats, but do I include the grits with their food, or scatter it around the ground?
  8. Imhaas2

    Chicks not eating their starter feed

    Thanks everyone! I will stop the treats and see how they do.
  9. Imhaas2

    Chicks not eating their starter feed

    They are 10 weeks old, and outside in a large run. I checked their feed to make sure it was dry and smelled ok, but it seemed ok. They are so young that I felt they probably still needed to be on the starter.
  10. Imhaas2

    Chicks not eating their starter feed

    I am confused/concerned because my chicks (10 weeks) do not seem to be eating their medicated chicken feed. I have been giving them oatmeal in the evening, but their food does not seem to be going down and they act like they are starving when I bring them their oats. I'm afraid to stop the...
  11. Imhaas2

    So excited to be a part of this!

    Hi, I am just learning all about chickens. Not completely new to it, since in the past I had 7 chickens for a short period of time. I got rid of my chickens because I was traveling too much, but now things have settled down and it was the chickens I missed the most, so I went to our grange and...
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