Recent content by JaneBrook

  1. JaneBrook

    Rescue hen- ex battery

    Thank you BantyChooks, she’s (roughly) 3yrs old & I will try to get a photo - I’ve been watching her most of the day & for a while you would think she’s fine then you see her on her own either her neck retracted & falling asleep an hour later she’s with the flock pecking around… I’ll take your...
  2. JaneBrook

    Tickled me… can you see the chicken??

    It took me hours 😳
  3. JaneBrook

    Tickled me… can you see the chicken??

    Who can spot the chicken?
  4. JaneBrook

    Rescue hen- ex battery

    Rescued 5 Rhode Island Red hens back in the summer (live in UK) all except one is thriving- she is hunched, neck is retracted & eyes keep closing but is eating/drinking… Should I bring her inside? It’s not really cold here but it’s chilly… Thank you in advance for any suggestions 😘
  5. JaneBrook

    Old chicken gasping - help!

    Oh gosh I wish I had some good advice but I am 🙏🏻 praying for you - best of luck
  6. JaneBrook

    Bird Flu (UK): Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    Thanks for posting this @Fur-N-Fowl :thumbsup Caught it in the news myself & came on here to see what can be done & whether a vacation is available but it looks like there isn’t any vaccine for H5 (LPAI) My question is can we past flu into birds? As I’m pretty sure birds can pass it onto us...
  7. JaneBrook

    Rooster/cockerel starting to crow- who’s used a ‘collar’?

    :lau:lau I’m not sure my carpentry skills are up to a post on BYC but I will take photos & possibly share if it looks the part :lau
  8. JaneBrook

    Rooster/cockerel starting to crow- who’s used a ‘collar’?

    VERY IMPRESSED @BDutch - I’m going to give this a go - like the idea of the drainpipes for ventilation :thumbsup
  9. JaneBrook

    Rooster/cockerel starting to crow- who’s used a ‘collar’?

    Firstly I genuinely want to thank each & every one of you for you input, advice, stories & help... I spent days insulating/sound proofing a smaller coop & managed to muffle his early morning crows that were causing the problems. Poach also seems happy enough to put himself to bed each night with...
  10. JaneBrook

    Rooster/cockerel starting to crow- who’s used a ‘collar’?

    Bottom line if I can’t find away of curbing his crow humanly with as little stress as possibly I will need to find him a new home although that’s easier said than done as nobody wants cockerels… I have two dogs & although they do bark I don’t let them bark at antisocial times etc & have read...
  11. JaneBrook

    Rooster/cockerel starting to crow- who’s used a ‘collar’?

    Arh interesting from what people are saying on here I thought they were just cruel but I’m at home all day with my chickens & could monitor him in much the same way you have - did it stress them out? Or did they adjust quickly?
  12. JaneBrook

    Rooster/cockerel starting to crow- who’s used a ‘collar’?

    Yeh I was silly to start the thread in many ways but there a lot of knowledge on this site & I thought I might be able to tap into it… As far as I know you can keep chickens & roosters where I live but the local council can issue you ‘noise abatement order’ if a neighbor goes to the council &...
  13. JaneBrook

    Rooster/cockerel starting to crow- who’s used a ‘collar’?

    Hey… it’s the northern most area of the county of Kent in the UK about 40 miles from London - it’s roughly 11miles long & 8 miles across… Lived here about 15yrs & love it x
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