Recent content by jarcoo0153

  1. jarcoo0153

    Need some help please!

    After a failed attempt last night at our city council meeting trying to get the chicken ordinances changed, they tabled the issue because they didn't want to pay the city attorney to change the ordinance if the Texas Bill prohibiting municipalities from banning chickens passes. Anyways I have...
  2. jarcoo0153

    Dark egg genetics

    It never hurts to experiment!
  3. jarcoo0153

    Dark egg genetics

    I want to focus on the egg color first then I might play with the color and looks of the birds. I have a few of the dark eggs I put in the incubator some welsummerXmaran so hope fully by fall I will see some results! Next hatch I will set after Easter will hopefully be the welsummerXbarnevelders...
  4. jarcoo0153

    Dark egg genetics

    I'm going to invest some time and try to document it as much as possible. Since there isn't much reliable information out there.
  5. jarcoo0153

    Dark egg genetics

    That's what makes sense to me. But I wasn't sure based on mix breeding. But this is something I'm going to experiment with and see what I can get. Hopefully over several years I can get some good dark egg layers
  6. jarcoo0153

    Dark egg genetics

    Can anybody give me a rundown on dark egg genetics. I have searched and haven't found much info. Theoretically if I just keep hatching dark eggs will they just keep getting darker. I have welsummer roosters and cuckoo marans hens and barnevelders. I was going to try to just keep breeding the...
  7. jarcoo0153

    Welsummer crossed with a Buff Orpington would look like?

    What about egg color? Did they come out darker than a buff orp egg?
  8. jarcoo0153

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    So far I have three little buff orpingtons! And 6 more peeps! So eggcited this is my first time to hatch buffs!!
  9. jarcoo0153

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Got my first egg from my waterfowl pen. I don't know if it is a duck or goose egg! But I got 25 out of 38 chicken eggs And I gathered 424 eggs for the month of January!! Now I need all 157 birds to start laying! Lol
  10. jarcoo0153

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Here is my newest addition ivanka trump! Lol I had to get rid of my chickens when my grandma got cancer and I had to take care of her. I missed my naked necks so much. I had five come in and I have 8 more coming next week!
  11. jarcoo0153

    Which Breed is the Best Breed?

    I enjoy my buff geese they are great and have great personalities. I haven't got any eggs yet but can't wait!
  12. jarcoo0153

    Breeding for meat

    Okay thanks! I was wondering about their life span. I never had a Cornish rock cross live very long and they try to tell you these don't either but from what little info there is out there about them it seems they do live like a normal chicken. As for the jersey giants I may get rid of them they...
  13. jarcoo0153

    Breeding for meat

    These aren't supposed to get near as big and don't grow fast at all from what I've read. I've read that these lay good eggs too!
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