Recent content by Jennevive

  1. Jennevive

    White Powery stuff coating everything inside the coop...

    They have had good access to dirt in their run and I have seen them using it for dust baths. Plus we have just started free ranging them and I have watched as they take baths all kinds of places! :D. That may contribute to the problem in the future and I will have to keep an eye on the...
  2. Jennevive

    White Powery stuff coating everything inside the coop...

    We thought there was enough ventilation but your points are well made and I will let my husband know. He may want to put in a small fan in a vent to pull the stuff out. Do you think there would be a problem with that? -Jennevive
  3. Jennevive

    White Powery stuff coating everything inside the coop...

    THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!! That is EXACTLY what I am dealing with! Excellent to know it is just part of the deal and not some other problem. I am happier than ever that we built our coop designed to make it easy to clean with water. Now to just get things warm enough! One lone brave boy...
  4. Jennevive

    White Powery stuff coating everything inside the coop...

    I am a new chicken owner. We got our chicks in September (6 Buff Orpingtons and 4 Easter Eggers) and they have done very well with no issues. We built our own coop using bathboard for the walls, ceiling and flooring so that it can easily be sprayed out if necessary. Also good because the...
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