Recent content by Jerseychickens514

  1. Jerseychickens514

    Conditioning Silkie

    I was marked down cond on my card when I shown a few of my silkies. What can I do to condition them?
  2. Jerseychickens514

    Showing Silkies

    I’m planning on entering a few silkies for an upcoming show. I would absolutely love everybody’s feedback on showing silkies and photos of show quality silkies.
  3. Jerseychickens514


    I didn’t get them. They were at tractor supply. I was very tempted to get some 🤦‍♀️
  4. Jerseychickens514


    Does anybody know what breed these chicks are?
  5. Jerseychickens514

    Feeding silkies

    12/13 weeks old and I have another group that’s a bit younger than that too
  6. Jerseychickens514

    Feeding silkies

    I have my silkies on the starter/grower when should I switch them to different feed and what should I give them?
  7. Jerseychickens514

    New member

    Thank you everyone!
  8. Jerseychickens514

    New member

    Hi everyone! I’m new to the group. I have a wide variety of chickens. I have 6 barred rocks, 7 Rhode Island reds, 2 red sex links, 3 black marans, 2 Easter eggers, 1 buff Orpington , and 6 silkies
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