Recent content by jessanichele

  1. jessanichele

    My baby passed away

    Yeah, I plan to include bricks or rocks if I decide to have another duck (I want one again but I am not over it enough to think about getting another one yet). She didn't seem to be sick or anything but I might not have known what to look for prior, but she was completely normal earlier that...
  2. jessanichele

    My baby passed away

    I used one of those plastic tubs that are used for storage, so it wasn't very deep at all, she could kinda stand in there. Also I don't think it was the chicks, they all seem to treat her like mamma hen, they would follow her around and snuggle with her. I did have a piece of wood in the tub...
  3. jessanichele

    My baby passed away

    No they were gone and being replaced by her adult feathers. I have no other ducks but I do have some chickens. And thank you.
  4. jessanichele

    My baby passed away

    I don't understand what happened and I was wondering if maybe someone could help me to understand. I came home from work tonight and found my sweet girl dead in her pool. She was about 3 months and half almost all of her baby feathers gone. I know she knows how to get out as I've seen her do it...
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