Recent content by jessmg1987

  1. jessmg1987

    Making Moble chicken coop

    I am having troupe finding some type of tailor or frame to make a mobile chicken coop. Any suggestions ??? I have looked on Craigslist and other websites no luck. Maybe I'm looking for wrong equipments. Please help
  2. jessmg1987

    chicken may be sick

    No new birds lately. I do have a few roosters living together but they don't fight or anything.
  3. jessmg1987

    chicken may be sick

    Rooster looks really rundown. Loosing some feathers and his face looks reddish. Any advice? Is this just Him aging?
  4. jessmg1987

    eggs are not hatching

    The chicks are growing up!
  5. jessmg1987

    eggs are not hatching

    Baby chicks seem hot with the red light so I turned it off for the night. Do they really need it if I'm keeping them inside? They were panting they were so hot.
  6. jessmg1987

    eggs are not hatching

    Ok so I don't have to control the temp as long as I give them an area to get away from the light?
  7. jessmg1987

    eggs are not hatching

    Thanks everyone!! Chicks are still doing good. I am wondering how you control to temp with a red light?
  8. jessmg1987

    eggs are not hatching

    How long do I keep them under the red light and inside? Also do I feed them now ?
  9. jessmg1987

    eggs are not hatching

    I put them in there new home today
  10. jessmg1987

    eggs are not hatching

    Yes it does
  11. jessmg1987

    eggs are not hatching

    Humidity is 93 and temp is 00
  12. jessmg1987

    eggs are not hatching

    Still have an egg trying to hatch. I'm having a hard time getting humidity down even when I open the top
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