Recent content by Jijibaby

  1. Jijibaby

    Suggestions for a Chick with Cocci? (Skip to the end to help if the description is too long)

    Thanks all! I actually ended up getting Sulmet, because all the places I went to didn't have any Corid, even in stock...right now all the girls seem fine and are pretty energetic. The other barred chick ended up getting sick too, but she seems much better off than her sister; their poops are no...
  2. Jijibaby

    keeping chickens cool in summer heat

    I have a lot of shade in my backyard so most of my girls are happy with just that. On super hot days though, misting or spraying them with even just a spray bottle (although my chickens tend to think that the spray bottle itself is some sort of demonic blue hawk and run away from it) will work...
  3. Jijibaby

    Suggestions for a Chick with Cocci? (Skip to the end to help if the description is too long)

    One of my three 8-week old chicks has just come down with what I think is a cocci infection (she's been pooping massive amounts of blood, was feeling drowsy/lethargic, fluffed out and messy feathers). She's a barred rock, and I've semi-quarantined her with her two friends (a sister BR and also...
  4. Jijibaby

    Hello from MA and Compiling a Beginner's Checklist?

    Hello everyone! I am a relatively new but learning mother of 14 (11 hens, 3 chicks) chickens, and since I have been learning a lot from this community online I figured it'd be just as well to join it. My feathered friends and I live in the greater Boston area of Massachusetts, so if any other MA...
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