Recent content by jjqq

  1. jjqq

    Hen laid egg white then yolk, no shell

    thanks everyone for the tips, she laid a soft shelled egg yesterday and she laid a normal egg this morning, so I say she's back to normal. Since she just changed her feathers (I live in the southern hemisphere) I guess she was low on calcium which was why this happened. I'll be making sure she...
  2. jjqq

    Hen laid egg white then yolk, no shell

    thanks mirumoto, my hen ate around 6 snails this afternoon and looks fine, it might be her age. I'll update you on how she goes tomorrow, hopefully she'll be okay
  3. jjqq

    Hen laid egg white then yolk, no shell

    Hi everyone, I have a 6 year old hen and she just laid some egg white this afternoon then an egg yolk 1 minute later, with absolutely no shell or soft shell. She looks quite happy in the garden now, but I don't know if some egg shells may be inside her. Please help :)
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