Recent content by JJWHITE


    HELP!!!!!!!!!!! ALL of my hens have stopped laying eggs!

    About 6 months ago a predator got one of our hens and tried to get another one who was able to get away. After that, all of my other ones stopped laying...all of the remaining 7. It happened immediately! It took about 4 months but they finally started laying again. I think it was a...

    Old girls beating up the new girls

    Mine have been side by side also with a fence between them. I thought by now they would be used to each other. I am sorry you have lost some of your new ones.

    Old girls beating up the new girls

    Let them roost all night? I think I would have to get out there pretty early to let them out to make sure no one gets hurt. It's worth a try!

    Old girls beating up the new girls

    That's kind of what we did yesterday. I will give them some more time together. I couldn't believe how aggressive they were!

    Old girls beating up the new girls

    I couldn't find this topic in any of the threads so forgive me please if I am duplicating a previous post somewhere. My newest chickens are now about 5 months old. They have been in their own coop and pen for several weeks now right by the old girls. This weekend I tried to introduce them to...

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!! ALL of my hens have stopped laying eggs!

    We let our chickens free range during the day and put them in their pen/coupe at night. We are down to 7 chickens now. A predator, we think a hawk or something, got one of them a few weeks ago and it looked like another one barely escaped - her feathers were messed up and she was very...

    EE stopped laying. Should I worry?

    We have 11 hens and during the summer we were getting 6 - 8 eggs every day. In the last two weeks the laying dropped drastically. We are getting 2-3 eggs every day now. We installed a light in the coop a few days ago. With that they are getting 12 hours of light every day now. We'll see how...
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