Recent content by Jsawa

  1. J


    This was helpful. Thank you! They both have feathered legs. I will definitely update when they start to lay.
  2. J


    8 week old “black copper marans” from TSC. The one on the left definitely appears to be. The one on the right has different skin, iridescent black feathers and does not have copper neck feathers. What did I get??
  3. J

    Easter Egger crosses and sex-linking

    Recently hatched 19 eggs. Easter egger rooster with Speckled Sussex, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock and Light Brown Leghorn hens. From what I understand the barred rock is sex-linked? White dot on head means Rooster, right? Are any of these other breeds sexlinked? Also...
  4. J

    Egger gender

    Any suggestions on if this is a Pullet or Cockerel? A bit flashier and bigger than my others.
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