Recent content by jtmcbeth

  1. J

    One hen doesn’t return to coop at night— any ideas?

    The coop is 6' x 4' and the run is 10 or 12' squared with chicken netting and the roof is net also. We have a small door flap and a ramp for them to go in and out from the run to the coop then we prop the run door open so they can go in and out whenever. I'm starting to think because we have...
  2. J

    One hen doesn’t return to coop at night— any ideas?

    Same problem but it's all my girls. I have 3 all the same age raised from 2 days old together. They are 4 months old now. Everynight when it gets dark we have to round them up or they would stay out all night. Coop is clean we have a 1/4 acre completely fenced so they are free range during the...
  3. J

    What do you have in your flock?

    I have 3 a black Australorp, a buff rock and a Amerucana. They are 4 weeks old and we love them! They are so much fun and way more interesting than I thought they would be.
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