Kangasox's latest activity

  • Kangasox
    Kangasox replied to the thread Old Drake Losing Feathers.
    Full body pic from today
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  • Kangasox
    Kangasox replied to the thread Old Drake Losing Feathers.
    This is a good idea. Can't hurt. I've just never has to worm or do anything in so many years but there's always a first time.
  • Kangasox
    Kangasox replied to the thread Old Drake Losing Feathers.
    I don't think so, other than the tiff that led me to see the fatherless-Ness. He's always been a very strong hold his own type drake...
  • Kangasox
    Kangasox replied to the thread Old Drake Losing Feathers.
    We have 5 drakes, and 20+ females. They free range over a large area and typically stay in their little chosen groups. This guy and 3...
  • Kangasox
    Kangasox replied to the thread Old Drake Losing Feathers.
    I will get a pic tomorrow. This is his back/under his wings.
  • Kangasox
    Kangasox replied to the thread Old Drake Losing Feathers.
    He is Ancona. Yes, pool and yes, he's a very preening boy. I did see another drake bullying him yesterday when I separated him and saw...
  • Kangasox
    Kangasox posted the thread Old Drake Losing Feathers in Ducks.
    I've somehow missed this (though I know he's been looking better more recently than not), but my oldest drake (he's 9) is looking rough...
  • Kangasox
    Kangasox posted the thread Old Drake Losing Feathers in Ducks.
    I've somehow missed this (though I know he's been looking better more recently than not), but my oldest drake (he's 9) is looking rough...
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