Recent content by KaseyB3TX

  1. KaseyB3TX

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    That is an Old English...mine is an identical match. And a rooster. So is mine.
  2. KaseyB3TX

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Anyone got any ideas pullets or cockrel?
  3. KaseyB3TX

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    I have Black Tailed White Japanese and I thought for sure it was a cockrel but now I am not so sure she/he is 10 to 12 weeks. Any guesses?
  4. KaseyB3TX


    Seriously thinking she is a he. The chicken is question is 5 months old and some of the feather tips have the blue black sheen to them. Also no he is a mix probably we hatched from a male BR and have reds, Br, and sL Wyandotte females. Everyine lays in the smae box so who knows the mom.
  5. KaseyB3TX


    Any ideas on pullets or cockrel? We lost all but this one. Barred rock.
  6. KaseyB3TX

    Texas Auctions/Swaps?

    I am also looking for silkie eggs, we have Barred Rock eggs for trade if someone was interested in that. Looking to hatch some silkier to expand our breeds.
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