Recent content by Kate+chicks

  1. Kate+chicks

    turkey fights

    This is our first Turkey year. We started out with a breeding trio (2 hens abd a tom) now we have 21 total. All 18 are their offspring raised as a natural hatch. We will be processing all 18 in November. Right now they are fighting something fierce. I hope they survive to process but they are...
  2. Kate+chicks

    Freezing temps and eggs outside not being sit on yet

    Last night it went below freezing so I covered my eggs up with an extra layer of pine shavings since the 2 hens are laying them inside the "coop" and they are somewhat protected. It never occurred to me to collect them, do the fake egg thing, and then return when they are actually sitting. Good...
  3. Kate+chicks

    When do turkey hens lay eggs?

    We just got 3 turkeys Sunday. All blue slate (2 with some Narrangasett). One of the hens has already started laying. Yesterday was the first egg and now there are 2. SInce we are very new at the turkey thing it will be interesting for us. I never realized that they lay eggs until they are...
  4. Kate+chicks

    Turkey sounds -- translations?

    We just got 1 tom and 2 hens we are going to use a our base breeding birds. The are Heritage Blue Slate and 2 may have some Narragansett from grandparents. So far the Tom (which is also his name) gobbles and struts. the pearl grey hen makes soft clucking sounds. Since they just arrived about 3...
  5. Kate+chicks

    Is anyone else noticing how much their chickens are drinking?

    Mine are drinking more water too and I was surprised by that until Ii read the post about needing to stay hydrated to keep muscles warm. Makes sense. They are also laying pretty well and we get an avaerage of 5/6 perday out of 12 hens. Sometimes we will get as many as 8 but I have never had the...
  6. Kate+chicks

    First time with breeding pair of turkeys

    We are preparing a pen/shelter for a breeding pair we are getting at the end of February. The goal is to get them to hatch some eggs so we can process the poults by Thanksgiving. Even though we have a large area for the turkeys I do not want to keep a permanent population of more that 2 or 3...
  7. Kate+chicks

    Fruit for Laying Hens

    We have given our chickens watermelon and cantaloupe and sometimes peach skins or tomatoes. They love it all....BUT.....they have not been laying as usual. There was a long heat wave of 100+ degrees foe about 2 weeks and we made sure that they got plenty of fresh cold water all the time. Not...
  8. Kate+chicks

    Bare butts

    We have an "odd" chicken that seems to be a cross of a turken and a golden laced cochin named Susie. When we got her and her companions in January we were told that they were about 24 months old and that Susie was molting. The others in the flock were dominiques and red sex links. No others were...
  9. Kate+chicks

    Using hay in the floor of hen house

    We have a dirt floor and have been using straw as the top layer. It seemed to be working well but today when we cleaned out the coop (1X per month) I saw that some of the bales had wet and moldy material. That was when the "discussion" started. As the rotted straw went in...I removed
  10. Kate+chicks

    Causes of jelly eggs??

    I am curious about this too. I found one this morning under the roosts and am wondering if because it is so soft and mushy...did it just "slip" out? If that could be the case then I know it came from Susie. she also lays hard sheled/normal eggs. But Susie is our Odd girl. She is the lowest on...
  11. Kate+chicks

    Good Morning from the great state of Oklahoma!

    Welcome Annie! Good luck with "getting back to the land". I look forward to stories of your progress.
  12. Kate+chicks

    Hello from Climax, NC

    Thanks for the advice Mary. I will check for lice. The coop is 100 sq ft and really well built. My husband is an artist as well as an engineer and is sooo analytical it hurts! I will be posting pictures as soon as I am allowed.
  13. Kate+chicks

    New member intro and mystery babies

    I am new too and have a mystery chicken. I can not wait to see what yours turns out to be.
  14. Kate+chicks

    Happy New Year To You All

    Welcome back. It will be interesting to hear more about your Swedish breeds in the future. Happy new year!
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