Recent content by kentonchickens

  1. kentonchickens

    Delaware Chicken Lovers

    Kent county down past dover.
  2. kentonchickens

    Chickens hating the heat

    Thank you all for your input. Kentonchickens
  3. kentonchickens

    Aracauna or Americauna Hen

    Hello there,im looking to purchase a single aracauna or americauna hen for my melting pot coop.Please email me any state willing to pay shipping, plus cost of the hen.Thanks,Kentonchickens
  4. kentonchickens

    Chickens hating the heat

    Hey is it ok to hose down your coop roof and mist your chickens with the hose?
  5. kentonchickens

    Delaware Chicken Lovers

    Looking for others interested in Chickens buy sell trade etc.
  6. kentonchickens

    Delaware chicken people

    Hey anybody local im looking for aracauna americauna hens !!!! Please help me out. Thanks kentonchickens
  7. kentonchickens

    Delaware resident looking for other local chicken lovers

    looking for other people locally interested in chickens
  8. kentonchickens

    Help - how do I post a picture?

    hey how do i start posting pics of my flock??
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