Recent content by kevinandsara

  1. kevinandsara

    My hen is crowing??

    Im pretty certain that the other two are cockerels as well, but they aren't aggressive yet so we are waiting on their fate.
  2. kevinandsara

    My hen is crowing??

    Thanks for your help. Definitely was a boy.
  3. kevinandsara

    My hen is crowing??

    More like Bruce I guess.
  4. kevinandsara

    My hen is crowing??

    What about these two? They all look the same to me. I think we were had by someone knowing we were new to the chicken world.
  5. kevinandsara

    My hen is crowing??

    We named her Bobbi cause her tail feathers were stubbed to start and now theyve grown more. I guess it is Bobby with a y or Bob.
  6. kevinandsara

    My hen is crowing??

    really? Ah dang.
  7. kevinandsara

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I am. And starting to get frustrated. I have 3 buff orp, 1 wyondottes, 2 Americana. All about 6months. Got impatient and got a one year old barred rock and 1 cinnamon queen who aren't laying. I'm assuming due to the move.
  8. kevinandsara

    I haven't crowed or layed an egg -5 month Easter Egger

    I have two that look just like that and was told hatched mid-march. No eggs yet either. I expect any day.
  9. kevinandsara

    My hen is crowing??

    I have a buff Orpington that is about 6 months. None of my girls are laying yet. "She" is crowing and mounting others. Is this possible or do I have a rooster in disguise?
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