Recent content by Khunsaker

  1. K

    Sudden limp - anything to look out for?

    My 10 wk buff suddenly lost use of her right leg. No other issues. On day 5 now. Have seen two vets, neither one had experience with chickens. Had X-rays and bloodwork. Nothing was found. Put her on carprofen. She can not curl her toes when we bend her leg. Her leg just seems lifeless. Any help...
  2. K

    Help! Our Hen is Walking on Her Hocks!

    My 10 wk old buff started doing this two days ago. We have taken her to an avian/exotic dr in Savannah and today we took her to UGAs Vet hospital. X-rays showed nothing was broken. Bloodwork was fine as well. She was sent home on pain med and anti inflammatory med. We were told to crate her next...
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