Recent content by KIJohn

  1. KIJohn

    Adult Chicken's legs suddenly spread wide apart - help please

    Thank you, they do eat a lot, those 6 eating me Rocks are eating me out of house and home LOL I do let them out but they prefer to lay around except to eat. I guess I will have to seperate them from the rest and limit they're intake. I appreciate all the info
  2. KIJohn

    Adult Chicken's legs suddenly spread wide apart - help please

    thank you for responding, I actually started checking after I posted and she is a meat bird, a cornish rock. I got 24 new chicks this year 4 different types and 6 were the rocks. She is full grown apparently now ( about 5-6 weeks old) I'm calling it a she but I really don't know yet. She...
  3. KIJohn

    Adult Chicken's legs suddenly spread wide apart - help please

    Hi all, this is my first post here. I'm pretty new to chickens. I noticed today one of my chickens, about 4 weeks old but pretty big, that she was hsving trouble walking and her legs would play out to the sides when she tried. I'm worried about her and I feel bad cause I don't know how to...
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