Recent content by Kikiwild

  1. Kikiwild

    Healthy hen hasn't laid in 7 months

    I only have 4 chickens. 3 are brown layers and she lays blue. No blue eggs in months! They are in 1,000 Sq ft fenced area. Sorta free range but safer from dogs. No eggs outside either...
  2. Kikiwild

    Healthy hen hasn't laid in 7 months

    I have an Americana that just turned 1 in February. She laid consistently for a few months and then one of her flock mates was killed by a neighbor dog and she and another chicken both quit laying. They didn't resume laying as it was winter but since spring has arrived the other chicken started...
  3. Kikiwild

    13 week old EE Pullet??

    I don't know how to edit my title but I meant 12 weeks 🙈.
  4. Kikiwild

    13 week old EE Pullet??

    Anyone up for some guesses?
  5. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    I'm sure it's still early, just curious! Thanks for your input!
  6. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    Bumping 🤔
  7. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    11 days since the last pics. Apparently I can't do chicken math...the last pics were about 7 weeks making today's pics 9 weeks. 😊 Always appreciate those of you willing to play along!
  8. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    Hoping!! 🤞
  9. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    Bummer. But thank you for your input. I'll keep waiting!
  10. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    New pics at the bottom of pg 1. Not much comb development in the last couple of weeks. So, hopeful?
  11. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    I appreciate the insight!
  12. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    Updated photos almost 9 weeks. Any thoughts?! :)
  13. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    This bird definitely has attitude. Dances around, very curious and is pretty dominant but is also very friendly and enjoys pets and being handled. Thanks everyone for the insights. I'll update as soon as I know more.
  14. Kikiwild

    Pullet or Roo EE?

    Newbie here! I've learned so much from this site the last 5 weeks. Thank you in advance for any insight. Fluffy is almost 6 weeks old and looks to be developing the tell tale 3 rowed comb?
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