Recent content by Kneeknockers

  1. K

    Dog got hold of one of our hens-skin tore

    I had the same issue many years ago, but the wound was worse. I just isolated her from the flock and sprayed that purple horse spray on it and around it to keep the flies off of it. It took a while, but eventually it healed on its own without any other intervention. Hope that helps.
  2. K

    Is This Fowl Pox?

    I hate to say it, but I think I have several chickens with fowl pox. Whatever it is it’s spreading. However, I also have a little bantam that I’ve been doctoring for a bad eye injury that got infected. Well now with the fowl pox lesions all around that eye, comb and face, that eye looks...
  3. K

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    I don’t wear a mask every time I go into the coop to feed or pick eggs. However, when I’m changing bedding or removing buildup of soil and shavings, I wear a mask. It’s just too much dust for me and I worry about inhaling some sort of organism. I have lung issues anyway. I sure don’t want to...
  4. K

    D'Uccles...Self-Blue & Lavender the same thing? PICS added post #5

    Here is a recent pic of him with the little Porcelain D’Uccle.
  5. K

    D'Uccles...Self-Blue & Lavender the same thing? PICS added post #5

    I have a little roo named Little Man that looks exactly like yours. I love him. I actually bought him and a little pullet from TSC. They were absolutely beautiful together. I had them for months and the little hen, Little Bit, hatched only one chick out of five eggs. It was the exact...
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