Recent content by kreagerm

  1. kreagerm

    Swollen eyelid and swollen flesh around eye

    I actually buy mine at a store called Tractor Supply here in the states, but I'm sure you can find it online. Matt
  2. kreagerm

    Bumble foot

    Thanks for all the great advice. Today I gave it a good cleansing with salt water and over all the swelling is a lot better since before the surgery. I'll keep you posted as I progress through this experience.
  3. kreagerm

    Bumble foot

    Just need your opinion on bumble foot. I performed the recommended surgery, but didn't get any infection out of the pad area from behind the scab. So I made the incisions between the toes where most of the swelling was and got out a ton of infected material. My question about about the pad area...
  4. kreagerm

    Cream Brabanter Chicks

    My plan was to breed the Brabanters but I decided to get rid of all roo's and just let the ladies enjoy their selves. My 4 brabanters have great personalities and I highly suggest having a few in your flock. As for the quality, if you just want some funny and corky birds that you don't plan to...
  5. kreagerm

    Cream Brabanter Chicks

    I believe you can find them on Mcmurray's site but I'm not sure on the quality.
  6. kreagerm

    Cream Brabanter Chicks

    Sorry I don't. I hope to have my little flock breeding by end of spring. Matt
  7. kreagerm

    I have 2 handsome 3 month old cockerels for sale, Cream Brabanter and Buff Cochin mix

    These 2 little boys are a mixed breed between a Cream Brabanter (mom) and a Buff Cochin (dad). They got the muffs, mo hawk and V comb from the brabanter and they received the feathered legs and color from dad. They are just starting to crow. I would love to keep them but I really don't have the...
  8. kreagerm

    turning eggs?

    thank you!!!
  9. kreagerm

    turning eggs?

    Thank You everyone
  10. kreagerm

    turning eggs?

    I have an automatic turner in my bator, but do i also need to manually spin them? It's a 1588 Hova-bator with turner if that help. Thanks
  11. kreagerm

    Cream Brabanter Chicks

    Nice blog, thanks for the link.
  12. kreagerm

    Cream Brabanter Chicks

    Thanks hallerlake. I hear so much conflicting arguments about this breed. He is a very lively bird, hopefully his offspring get his genes.
  13. kreagerm

    Cream Brabanter Chicks

    Yea another fuzzy butt Brabanter just entered the flock!!!!!!! less then a day old!!!!!
  14. kreagerm

    Cream Brabanter Chicks

    Fantastic. I'm gonna have to join. Regards, Matt
  15. kreagerm

    Should I use vinyl flooring at all?

    I used a piece of linoleum and they don't slip at all. Now there is a layer of straw on the floor at all times, so if they want to occupy their time by scratching in the coop they can.
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