Recent content by Kylie J

  1. Kylie J

    Breed identification help

    Hi everyone, As I have previously replied the red hen has light yellow/ creamy yellow legs. Thanks
  2. Kylie J

    yolk not moving when egg turned

    Help please I have fertile duck eggs in my incubator and the oldest egg is forming beautifully it has clear visible veins and you can see pulsing however I'm a little worried because when you turn the egg the yolk doesn't move. Is it stuck to the membrane? Will it hatch? Anyone with any help...
  3. Kylie J

    Breed identification help

    3rd- light yellow/creamy yellow legs Thanks for what you've already said it was helpful
  4. Kylie J

    Breed identification help

    Hi everyone, I'm after any guesses as to what our current chooks could be. The rooster has feathered feet as does the black hen but the red necked hen doesn't. Any light you could shed would be greatly appreciated
  5. Kylie J

    New to BYC but had a few rounds of chickens

    Hi I'm Kylie and live in Gympie QLD Australia. I've currently got mixed breed chooks at the moment it seems and no one can tell me what they are :( We have two hens and a rooster and the hens are co-parenting a clutch of 1 chick and 5 eggs waiting to hatch. The chick hatched 2 nights ago and it...
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