Recent content by Labelleforest

  1. Labelleforest

    Newbie w a query

    Happy New Year and best wishes to everyone. An update: Aftee changing up a few things and giving it some time to adjust I’m happy to report this little one pulled through and is acting quite normal. Thanks to everyone for the insights and thoughts, they were quite helpful. 👏🙏🏻😅☺️
  2. Labelleforest

    Newbie w a query

    Thank you. And yes, the little thing has quit the constant chirping. After changing up a few things, it appears so is well. I have appreciated all of the input. Thank you for the compliment. Yes, it does have ventilation.
  3. Labelleforest

    Newbie w a query

    Thank you! 🙂
  4. Labelleforest

    Newbie w a query

    Thank you for the welcome and for the thoughts on continuing to help this little one. 😃
  5. Labelleforest

    Newbie w a query

    Hi! Thank you for the welcome. The temperature has been consistently around 98F and it has been actively moving around. It hasn’t eaten yet but is only a day old. It’s had water… I haven’t observed it poop, but it’s vent appears open and moves when I lift the tail
  6. Labelleforest

    Newbie w a query

    Hello to everyone. (Into below, query first.) I have a chick that is non-stop chirping… despite my best efforts at everything in the environment being ok. Situation: This chick required assistance after having cracked and then chipped away about 1/8 + of its shell; after 48 hours and the...
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