Recent content by LarryTheWelsumer

  1. LarryTheWelsumer

    Is this normal for their legs? Photo in post

    He goes through the trees behind me, and it’s too overgrown with understory shrubs and vines for a human to get through. I was told about an inexpensive way to build a chicken run. I’ll be looking for marked down supplies for that and a coop, and once I know it’ll be ready in time I’ll get a...
  2. LarryTheWelsumer

    Is this normal for their legs? Photo in post

    I have no idea. I don’t think he roosts in the same place every night. He just shows up after dawn and crows until I come out to feed him. Once he’s full, he wanders around my yard until he gets bored (or lonely?) and then goes wandering again. I’ve had mental stories running in my head about...
  3. LarryTheWelsumer

    Is this normal for their legs? Photo in post

    Thank you for that comforting news. He won’t let me touch him. He’s barely letting me hold a bowl while he eats the high protein feed recommended to help him recover from being attacked by another rooster. He’s starting to trust me…I just don’t know where to go from here as far as working toward...
  4. LarryTheWelsumer

    Is this normal for their legs? Photo in post

    Larry, the feral rooster I’m feeding and trying to find a way to build a home for is the first chicken I’ve ever seen up close, so bear with me. His leg looks odd to me, but I am a total beginner. Please tell me if this is normal for chicken legs? It looks raw in a crazy spiderweb pattern, which...
  5. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    I’m trying to find the money to build a safe place for him to stay, and some hens to care for. For now he’s still “roughing it” as a free range boy, I have no clue if those dark spots on his comb & face will brighten up as he heals, or when the broken feathers will grow back.
  6. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    Fair point. I used the wrong terminology
  7. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    We got the high protein mix that dobielover recommended. Larry was quite happy to have it, and he now only gets a little scratch food as a treat, also as recommended. I do very much want Larry to be healthy, to recover from his injuries. Plans are being made to build a coop and an enclosure...
  8. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    Nothing like that, no. It’s just on his neck and there’s bits of the feather stems (I don’t know the correct terminology) sticking out of his skin where they were clearly broken off. Thanks for the pics, that will help me to recognize molting when it does happen.
  9. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    I don’t think he’s molting, not that I’d know the early signs. Would that happen in winter? Our last frost isn’t for another month. He’s clearly been attacked by another rooster. When you say his attitude might change when he gets some hens, do you mean he might become aggressive? He followed...
  10. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    Thanks so much for all your advice. That was the first time he let me get my camera close enough to see the damage done. If you don’t mind, please tell me what age is a cockerel?
  11. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    Thank you. I’ll look that up
  12. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    I’ll see about getting a better feed tomorrow, then. I literally know nothing about caring for chickens, and the person who went shopping for chicken food today didn’t know any more than I do. Best I can do for protein right now is give him scrambled eggs after the rain passes (he took refuge...
  13. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    I do want to mention that Larry is quite a big fellow. A friend estimated he’s about twenty pounds. That’s one reason I thought he was a Welsumer. I looked up Marans and the site I found ( a breeder website) says they are significantly smaller…half the size by weight. The coloring matches, but...
  14. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    Thank you, I hadn’t considered that. It does look scaly in the bald spots, but it also looks like he could have been attacked as I see some end pieces where feathers broke off near the skin.
  15. LarryTheWelsumer

    Accidental chicken host

    That’s a wealth of good advice, thank you for sharing. We are on the edge of the doldrums here, so storms literally come from any direction, although the majority come from the west or southwest (from the Gulf of Mexico), so I’ll orient it accordingly. We’re in a temperate rainforest, so keeping...
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