Recent content by LDR2

  1. L

    ISO Olive Egger Hatching Eggs

    Looking for F2 Olive Egger Hatching Eggs. The darker the better. Thanks.
  2. L

    Day 28 - No Sign of Hatching

    I would knock on wood. You don't want to jinks yourself.
  3. L

    Day 28 - No Sign of Hatching

    Nevermind you win @bakerg the emu egg is quadruple the size of a chicken egg. However I would have paid to see you jump when it exploded.
  4. L

    Day 28 - No Sign of Hatching

    I'm pretty sure it died in the egg. I haven't seen movement or heard peeping. All my turkey and Guinea eggs have hatched. Lol about two weeks ago I had two bad eggs explode on me. It didn't smell that bad but it was just gross and yellowy! Hopefully in August you'll have some peachicks for...
  5. L

    Day 28 - No Sign of Hatching

    Today is day 28, I haven't heard peeping from the egg. Should I keep the egg in the incubator. I'm just worried that the chick may have died . The turkeys poults and guinea keets have already hatched but they were put in a day before I put in the peafowl egg.
  6. L

    Selling hatching eggs question??

    Your flock will need to get PT tested
  7. L


    I used the kitchen pantry this time to candle. It worked perfectly (135 lumen). I liked how my father didn't even ask question when he saw me walk into a dark pantry and close the door.
  8. L

    Candling help

    Today is day 8 of 28 days of incubation. I've already candled all of them but I have a couple i wanted your opinion on. I wanted to make sure i'm correct when it comes to determine if they're infertile and/or have red ring. I also need help on determining one of the turkey eggs I have. It is...
  9. L

    Candling help

    Today is day 8 of 28 days of incubation. I've already candled all of them but I have a couple i wanted your opinion on. I wanted to make sure i'm correct when it comes to determine if they're infertile and/or have red ring. I also need help on determining one of the turkey eggs I have. It is...
  10. L


    I've used my iphone but it didn't show much
  11. L


    I've seen a couple of the peafowl eggs develop veins. The only problem i'm having is the egg shell thickness my 135 lumen barely shows me a hint of the veins. What type of led flashlight do I need 300? 500? 1,000? To be able to see clearer.
  12. L


    I ended up using UPS to ship my eggs "2 Days Air." No broken eggs (Thank god) and I let them rest for 24 hrs at a 45 degree angle. I'm so excited. My parents don't understand my level of excitement :D. Only you guys.
  13. L

    Chicken Saddle Help

    I'm not sure If I should use Athletic mesh (bottom) and regular material (top) to make a chicken saddle. I live in South Texas weather can go from 90 to 100+ depending on the day. I need a chicken saddle, my girl Pocahontas, is losing her feather from our rooster. Apparently she's one good...
  14. L

    Rcom Suro King Incubator official thread ***HIGH ALERT***see post 93

    Yes ! Thank you. I figured it out last night. It took about 15 minutes to get the water to the incubator but after that it worked perfectly.
  15. L

    Rcom Suro King Incubator official thread ***HIGH ALERT***see post 93

    I'm setting up my Rcom. Does anyone know why the water isn't being pumped. I've pressed the "+" for 5 and 10 seconds
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