Recent content by likkatron

  1. likkatron

    Two month old chick

    Please NEVER attempt vent sexing. It only works on day old chicks for starters, and secondly, only professioanls are recommended to do it because it is very very very difficult to identify gender this way and you could kill the chick in the process.
  2. likkatron

    Roo or Hen? 8 weeks old

    It's a rooster. Combs should not have any color (pink or red included )until they are about ready to lay, which won't be for a few more months. I can't say for sure 100%, because chickens like to be tricky, just watch for key signs like sickle and hackle feathers, crowing (obviously), and Spurs...
  3. likkatron

    Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

    Thank you for such a informative response! I forgot to mention but I live in the U.S.
  4. likkatron

    Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

    Hello everyone! I have some questions regarding chicken terms, and would like some critiquing on my almost 7 month old blue double laced barnevelder poulet. - What do the terms shafting, peppering, and mossy mean? And examples of them too please. - My Pullet (Who I would like to show if she's...
  5. likkatron

    Yeah, another Orpington gender thread.

    That makes a difference! The first one I'm 99% sure is a boy, the second one has a slightly smaller and less red comb so 50/50 on that one, but leaning towards boy because of the color at such a young age. Last one I would say so far is 100% Pullet. Watch closely for it changing color, it...
  6. likkatron

    Dominique - Guess that Gender!

    I haven't seen the 2nd one standing on only one foot, though I know my rooster does that, thanks for your input!
  7. likkatron

    Dominique - Guess that Gender!

    I have 2 week old Dominique chicks (not hatchery stock, good breeder quality). Based off the darkness of the barring so far I'm guessing girls, and they have no comb development (I'd hope not at this young of an age!). Their legs are also very dark. Please when saying, "Boy", "Girl", "Pullet"...
  8. likkatron

    whats my gender:,(

    I agree, the color says boys so far, but really you can not know for sure until they are older, or you might wrongly sex them. I think what you should be worried about for now while they age a little more is finding them better living arrangements. They need proper bedding, aka, pine shavings...
  9. likkatron

    Yeah, another Orpington gender thread.

    They actually all look like girls to me. If I could get better picture of the leg width that'd be great, or if you could compare their leg widths, as I know from experience boys always have much thicker legs, and at this age you should start seeing a bump where spurs are (at least my boys...
  10. likkatron

    pls help! girl or boy?

    Do you know how old they are? Their combs all look yellow to me, the base being red. I know for sominiques if they are a light grey (likenyours) It USUALLY means male (but I know some people who have dominques that male and girl are the same color, do it depends on the breeder. I have no clue...
  11. likkatron

    Comb Spike - Dominiques

    Now that I think about it, is this even a comb spike? I really have no experience with things like this lol
  12. likkatron

    Comb Spike - Dominiques

    I have 2 Dominique chicks, one which I can not seen any comb spike whatsoever, the other that has a much more noticeable one. I have no experience with dominiques, is it normal for them to be born with this, because from day 1 this chick had it. Thank you
  13. likkatron

    Is this a hen or rooster

    For being almost a year old if it was a pullet she should be laying, though if she's stressed, or for other reasons, it could prevent her from laying. If this was a cockerel the comb and wattles should already be 2 or 3 times the size. Have you seen her/he mounting other chickens, are you 100%...
  14. likkatron

    Hamburg thread!

    I just got my first Hamburg chick and 2 dominiques to add to my flock of 2 cockerels and 4 pullets! I will be getting rid of the brahma cockerel because as he's begun maturing (very slow breed to mature) I've noticed he's becoming mean, and he has bad qualities like split wing, etc. Keeping the...
  15. likkatron

    Hello, can anyone with more knowledge in ameriacania.

    I'm no expert, but although some breeds are supposed to carry their tails lower because that's what was preferred for the breed that is probably not the case. Some chickens just carry their tail too low. I know with my barnevelder she carried her tail super low (like most young chicks), but...
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