Recent content by lilliesanchicks

  1. lilliesanchicks

    Little chicks to sex! Can you help me out?

    With mix breeds it is simple to hard to tell ,you just have to give it time. It is the chance we take when hatching or getting mixed breed chicks.Plenty of neutral names you can give them.
  2. lilliesanchicks


    Sorry they are not as fluffy as they should be. Just hatchery stock. I really don't know how to tell type on cochins I have only had them since spring.
  3. lilliesanchicks


    here are some pictures of them.
  4. lilliesanchicks

    Little chicks to sex! Can you help me out?

    Unless you know what breeds and sex of both parents feather sexing will not work. Fast feathering female to a slow feathering male. is possible in crossbred chicks bred for that purpose.
  5. lilliesanchicks

    What breed is this gal?

    I agree she looks Orpington could be a buff Orpington over black Orpington. One may never know but as long as you like her guess it does not matter what she is.
  6. lilliesanchicks

    4 week old wyandottes sexing? (Updated pics 6 weeks)

    is possible in crossbred chicks bred for that purpose.
  7. lilliesanchicks

    Three Australorps and One Legorn, Hen or a Rooster?

    The hens are sex links ,in your country they are more then likely Isa Browns. The Australorps it's still hard to tell but the one by its self looks to be growing it's wattle faster but still not sure wait a few weeks the difference should be obvious by then.
  8. lilliesanchicks

    What breed is she?

    Wow it really changed a lot from the second picture to the last picture or was that an older picture. It sure confused me as it is from the last picture a brown leghorn.
  9. lilliesanchicks

    Barred Plymouth - is that a rooster

    Looks like a young roo to me.
  10. lilliesanchicks

    What breed is she?

    it could be ,just a guess though. Golden Phoenix hen
  11. lilliesanchicks

    Mystery Chicken

    use search google or what ever you use "production red hatchery" and plenty will pop up.
  12. lilliesanchicks

    Mystery Chicken Some times they are inter bred and then called rir or production reds
  13. lilliesanchicks

    Mystery Chicken

    I think they mean the hatcheries version of a Rhode Island Red which some call production reds.
  14. lilliesanchicks

    6 Weeks, Breed or Gender?

    Probably some ones hatchery stock cochins breeding with different cochin colors. So you have cochins just mixed colors and hatchery stock. Only time will tell this age they look the worse.
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