Recent content by littlegosling

  1. littlegosling

    House Goose Thread

    I want to update everyone on our baby. Our baby just crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 16 at the age of 8-9 weeks. She had a severe episode of labored breathing despite our efforts to manage her genetic condition and as my husband was trying to comfort her and I was on the phone, she passed on...
  2. littlegosling

    Absorbent bedding ideas for my goose

    Hi guys, I couldn't find good info on this so I thought I'd start a new thread. As many of you know, I am caring for a disabled goose who cannot stand or walk. She started panting a lot recently so we tried to remove any potential causes. One thing we removed is her paper-based bedding...
  3. littlegosling

    Help! Panting in gosling getting worse, she is now sneezing too

    We bought a laundry hamper and modified it to make a hammock for her. We had a few mishaps with it but the breathing is better today, whether the hammock is the reason or something else. It is not perfect though, she still pants most of the day but at a lesser intensity. We did not do holes for...
  4. littlegosling

    House Goose Thread

    My thoughts are with her as well. I know I am pretty new to the house goose thread but even after just 6 weeks, I understand the deep bond you can have with your baby and I completely relate to her pain.
  5. littlegosling

    I am smitten

    That is so adorable! My gosling chickenwing is able to tell if it's me or my husband just from our style of walking. She can also tell when she is in our bedroom versus other rooms for sleep and gets really excited if she hits the bedroom lol.
  6. littlegosling

    Help! Panting in gosling getting worse, she is now sneezing too

    Also right now we do about 45 minutes in the bathtub in the mornings. We could try to do a bath at night as well.
  7. littlegosling

    Help! Panting in gosling getting worse, she is now sneezing too

    It is really odd as in the mornings, she is completely free of gasping or sneezing or gurgling. Then as the day goes on, it will get worse and worse. At night, she sleeps in her dog bed. She never stands or walks so I don't understand why it resolves at night and she is fine until she is placed...
  8. littlegosling

    Help! Panting in gosling getting worse, she is now sneezing too

    Hi! Are you saying that the fact that she is laying down all the time might be affecting her lungs? I had not thought about that. She cannot stand at all. She can lift herself on one side of her body just enough to clean her belly but that's it. She swims mainly with one leg. We let her swim...
  9. littlegosling

    House Goose Thread

    LOL my baby keeps trying to pick a fight with my iPhone, it is quite funny. :) I just wished she was doing better (see my separate panting thread). I guess I should be happy that despite her breathing problems, she still makes sure to attack my phone! I also want to say that grit in a bit of...
  10. littlegosling

    Help! Panting in gosling getting worse, she is now sneezing too

    Hi all, The panting has suddenly gotten worse. Now she is also sneezing or coughing. No discharge. No change in poo. Still happy to see us and whistling but very fussy today. Eating well. She is 7 weeks old. I thought about gapeworm and I will try to order the right medication to treat it. I...
  11. littlegosling

    What type of Safeguard can I use in poultry?

    Hi everyone, I worry about gapeworm in my goose and all I have accessible locally is Canine Safeguard in granules. Has anybody used this with good success? If I cannot use the Canine version in poultry, then I have to order online and I am curious what would be the recommendation as to which...
  12. littlegosling

    Help! Panting in gosling getting worse, she is now sneezing too

    We always make sure we don't give cold baths! She can get the chills sometimes even when the bath is at the right temperature so I'm always careful. Her box is about I would say 4 foot long x 1 foot and a half wide x 3/4 foot high. We can go bigger but then she would get herself turned around...
  13. littlegosling

    Help! Panting in gosling getting worse, she is now sneezing too

    Hi all, As some of you know, we took in a lame goose in our house. We have noted that she tends to pant on a daily basis. She has been doing this on and off and to different degrees since we got her 5 weeks ago. Most of the illnesses associated with panting that we read about would have...
  14. littlegosling

    House Goose Thread

    Just a quick update and thanks all for your help :) I need to post pictures of my setup at some point for you all to see. Her plastic box is smaller than your playpen for Cas EvenLater or otherwise chickenwing gets herself turned around and can't get back to her feeding area until we move her...
  15. littlegosling

    House Goose Thread

    EvenLater the playpen for Cas is amazing! And he is so gorgeous. How is the pen for cleaning though? I don't see him wearing a diaper in the photo. And thank you for your post. You all bring something to the conversation and I appreciate that. I can tell you I am myself 100% committed to this...
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