Recent content by littlerattie

  1. littlerattie

    Our only predator so far.....11 year old boy

    Quote: I think this is fantastic advice! I would not think this should be a friendship stopping issue. It can be handled in a way that will teach the boy a GOOD (as opposed to a "good" lesson) lesson. Being mean to a kid for being mean to a chicken is kind of. Well. As bad as kicking the...
  2. littlerattie

    Chicks peeping constantly- then die

    I forgot to knock on wood (see posts 28 & 30) and now another one of my kids has stitches... and here is our story.... One thing I hope to NEVER feel again is.... blood gushing out of a knife stab wound in my daughter's arm! It is a haunting feel, that warm blood gushing between my fingers like...
  3. littlerattie

    HELP!!! fire ants killed one of my chicks

    Interesting. Fire ants must be having a population explosion. We have never had any problems with fire ants (we live in MN, and clay soil) but this year? I got attacked when I stepped off my steps yesterday! Anyhow, I did a google, and this is the page I got...
  4. littlerattie

    Chicks peeping constantly- then die

    I have found that if you sometimes make the kind of sweet sounding "chick-chick-chick" the mother hen says it makes them even more "interested" in the finger pecking. Jayne
  5. littlerattie

    Chicks peeping constantly- then die

    pathfinders~ I hope you never have to, either! Funny, how we can raise some critters for years (hundreds and hundreds of 'em~ critters not years) and then whammo... two or three of them get some bizarre illness! We have raised hundreds of chickens and never had the crookneck appear. Then this...
  6. littlerattie

    EMERGENCY 2 day old chick left cold all night barely alive

    Looks like she is all better! Cute little buggers, they are! Jayne
  7. littlerattie

    Pullet is throwing head back, doesn't get up and stretches legs out.

    We had tablet type B complex vitamins. At first I cut it in 1/4 the long way, and then cut those in 1/4's. (16 peices) The peices got poked down the throat with a tweezers. They are bigger now and I feed them about 1/8 th of a pill. For the Vit E we drip about 6 drops on the feed we force feed...
  8. littlerattie

    Not Quite Crowing??

    We used to have a hen that crowed. Sounded very much like a squeaky toy! She would crow. Then go lay an egg. Go figure. Yep, we have had some weird chickens! Jayne
  9. littlerattie

    Chicks peeping constantly- then die

    Yep, it was gut splitting, tear jerking, roll on the ground funny. Worrisome, but hilarious! Those poor little cheepers would give a holler and go sailing. Momma would not even notice. Not if they were sailing, not even when she was standing on her babies foot (or head, or whatever) all the...
  10. littlerattie

    Pullet is throwing head back, doesn't get up and stretches legs out.

    Not sure if it is the same thing, or not, but my little ones with crookneck will throw their heads back over their back when drinking. They also could not stand up. If this is crookneck then try feeding it Vitamin E and B complex...
  11. littlerattie

    Chicks peeping constantly- then die

    It is amazing on how different hens mother (or not!) thier chicks. We had one mom that we called "Digger". That hen scratched to beat the band. And woe to the little buggers that got too close to those flying feet! Sometimes it looked like it was raining chicks. Amazingly, she raised most of...
  12. littlerattie

    Chicks are twisting head all the way around, seem neuro problem????

    Happy day! Our little guys are recovering. One has relapsed, but we upped his vitamins and it is now back to walking around for the most part. If we forget to give them both the vitamin E and B complex they relapse. They are still having a hard time drinking because trying to drink causes the...
  13. littlerattie

    Chicks peeping constantly- then die

    I would second (or third) the possibility that they are, in fact, hungry. If you hear them peeping check to see if their little crop has food in it. If not, force feed. I have been feeding our little chicks with crookneck (details in another thread) and found after my initial fear of mortally...
  14. littlerattie

    Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinager

    I have not read all the posts, but this site has a lot of info on ACV. I found it while goolging "blood thinner vinegar" . See, if you drink TOO much of the stuff you might start exhibiting signs of too thin of blood (bloody...
  15. littlerattie

    Chicks are twisting head all the way around, seem neuro problem????

    OK. They will get no fish oil. They only had one dose of antibiotics so we will cease those unless they exhibit symptoms of pneumonia. I thought I would use the antibiotics after hearing that one of the people on here had one get better from the wryneck only to die of pneumonia. For now they are...
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