Recent content by lmooresmith

  1. lmooresmith

    Feather loss

    The previous 3 pictures shows our older hen with significant feather loss and a large mass on her back right tail. Her vent looks great but she does seem to have some diarrhea. We have her in the basement and she is walking around but feathers are falling out while she walks. Still talking-...
  2. lmooresmith

    Grounded eggs

    Our 6 reds have been laying for 4-5 weeks but 2-3 hens continue to lay on the ground instead of the roost. The coop is pretty big.any suggestions for training them to lay where there's easier access to gather?!
  3. lmooresmith

    Our 1st egg was twins!

    Does that happen often? We have...reds?! 6 of them & they finally started laying (a watched coop never produces huh? Yesterday we got one tiny egg and one a bit bigger with 2 embryos! Kinda cool! None today though :-( Any insight?!
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