Recent content by lp0311

  1. lp0311

    Active poultry photo contest

    once I have around 5-6 pages!
  2. lp0311

    Funny photo contest

    so sorry I haven't been on lately! I have been really busy but will try to judge soon!
  3. lp0311

    Funny photo contest

    great pics everyone!
  4. lp0311

    Funny photo contest

    LOL! I love the bikini! thanks for entering!
  5. lp0311

    Funny photo contest

    :gig nice entries everyone! I will do the judging when we have around 10 pages!
  6. lp0311

    Buff Orphington Contest

    great! I will try to get a recent photo of petunia later!
  7. lp0311

    Furry Friends contest

    that's what we thought at first, so we had the vet test for it and it was negative. thanks for your help though!
  8. lp0311

    Furry Friends contest

    he was about 6 weeks old. we don't know how he died, but he had been pretty sick for a while, (which doesn't surprise me because he was found in a tree)
  9. lp0311

    Furry Friends contest

    sadly, George in the pictures above hadn't been doing very well. we just got home and found that he had passed. :(
  10. lp0311

    Furry Friends contest

    bixby my mixed breed. George the kitten with Chrissy the hen. George again
  11. lp0311

    Buff Orphington Contest

    petunia my buff Orpington hen a few months back.
  12. lp0311

    Active poultry photo contest

    ha! my name is Lily! thanks for your entries!
  13. lp0311

    Funny photo contest

    Thank you for your entries everyone!
  14. lp0311

    Funny photo contest

    Nope! you can just post a picture with no caption if you'd like. :)
  15. lp0311

    Active poultry photo contest

    he is beautiful!
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