Recent content by lumaie

  1. lumaie

    My cat caught a baby bird Help!

    Darn. I keep trying to post but it disappears. Have you looked for a wildlife rehabber near you? Wrens, bunnies, hawks, opossum- I take something to our rehabber every year. They are trained and prepared no matter what I show up with for them. A licensed rehabbed might be better equipped for...
  2. lumaie

    possible eye injury on non-growing pullet, med ?

    Thank you. She is not making any unusual sounds or behaving any differently. She just is not the same as her sisters. I will order meds today and see if they help. In your opinion, should the other birds be treated as well despite no signs of illness? I got my first hens over 20 years ago yet...
  3. lumaie

    possible eye injury on non-growing pullet, med ?

    Sorry. This is her eye. She has started rubbing it against me and scratching at it
  4. lumaie

    possible eye injury on non-growing pullet, med ?

    I bought six pullets nearly 3 weeks ago, ages 9 weeks (maran) and 11 weeks (orpingtons). I gave them some time then combined the two pens last week. It seemed to go well with only minor skirmishes. Then one bird developed a runny eye. She is isolated. The eye still runs. She has no apparent...
  5. lumaie

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I am late seeing this. Do you still have any available?
  6. lumaie

    20 week old cockerel attacked almost 3 year old daughter

    Hi. I only read page one, so you may have already made your decision. Still, thought I'd share. We went through this a few months back with two roos attacking everything and everyone before they went after my son. (The less dominant became highly aggressive when the original alpha was...
  7. lumaie

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Augh! How do I PM? Clueless over here. Thank you.
  8. lumaie

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hi. I went to your facebook page. May I just say, "WOW." Your birds all look beautiful and well cared for, even the newly hatched. I love it. And I loved that the little ones were indeed involved! Can you give me a price range on your roos? I know it would depend on the bird, but I am...
  9. lumaie

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hi all. Well. The two not so delightful legbar roos that we have raised from one month were rehomed yesterday. I use the term rehomed very, very loosely. They were highly aggressive and getting worse so I guess you can guess how it went. After they attacked my son and the dog, I caved...
  10. lumaie

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    ChickenLittle3...I would appreciate the contact info for both, if you do not mind! Golden Gaits answered quickly when I contacted them. I think you just had an unlucky day. I would definitely try again! Thank you.
  11. lumaie

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hi again. I posted a little while ago to track down Golden Gaits Farm and everyone was wonderful. So, I am back with another question and hoping it is as easily answered by the people here. I am located in Manchester and interested in raising chickens ago. In response, my guys gifted me with...
  12. lumaie

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hi. Sorry to jump on the end of a multi year thread but I am hoping you can help. I am in Manchester. I know there is, or was, a place selling chicks that was run at the home of some local veterinarians. I believe it was located in Shelbyville. Unfortunately, I cannot recall the name of the...
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