Recent content by lysel3chef

  1. L

    Aggressive rooster and small children, really need some answers asap

    It's a rooster's job to "take care of his flock" -- and a "good" rooster, who takes his job seriously, will be aggressive. My best rooster fought a bald eagle off (no kidding!) My neighbor saw it -- and I didn't lose a single bird. He was covered in blood, comb and head ripped up, 1 eye...
  2. L

    Giving chicks to a broody hen

    As soon as it's dark outside, their instinct to "sleep" kicks in, even more so with broodies. The red heat lamp produces less light, but provides warmth, as an extra level of protection. Even your broodies will relax with a little extra warmth 😊
  3. L

    Giving chicks to a broody hen

    Putting them in at night is the best option. Chances are, if your hens are persistent broodies, they'll adopt them. But, just in case, a red, infrared heat lamp off to the side, might be helpful, in case the broodies reject the chicks or the chicks don't figure out to get back under the Mommas...
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