
I'm Sarah, 30yo single mom to a wonderful, silly, loving, caring, thoughtful, headstrong, inquisitive, smart boy.

We live in North Carolina right next door to my granddad, uncle, and oldest sister. My middle sister lives back in Alaska, where I lived between 1999 and 2015 and where my son was born. We moved back so both my son and I could have access to better schools. I'm hoping to return to school to become a teacher.

I love all things nerdy (named my sister's Silkies Samwise, Frodo, Merry, and Pippen) and I love writing. I also enjoy making little clay figures out of polymer clay and am working on opening up an Etsy shop for them.

Right now I have just started to incubate a batch of 22 Serama eggs. Today (May 21, 2018) is the first day. Only 2 hours in! I am so excited and can't wait to candle them next week! Hoping that come June 13th I'll be a Serama mama! XD
North Carolina
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To have ALL the chicken info!


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    Anniversary: 1 Year

    Wow, it's been a year already!?! CONGRATS!!
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    Messages: 250

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    Reactions Received: 50

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